Pedigree Cross for the BasqueLaine-Big Mtn Detective Litter -- Brenner x Jo





Can CH, UWPCH, select Gaelera Big Mtn Brennerain Can TD, HIC, CGC, SAR cert.

OFA hips: BT-4320G28M-PI
OFA elbows: BT-EL1655M28-PI
CERF: BT-2875/2006
OFA Thyroid: BT-TJ291/50M-PI
CHIC #35946

Am/Can/UKC CH Bergerac Brigadoon PT, TT UK BISS CH Opium van de Hoge Laer at Corsini R.E. Ares de la Clairiere aux Louves CAC CACIB
s.r. Cartouche du Perigord Vert
Bergerac Gentle Thoughts UK CH Lance van de Hoge Laer
Bergerac Love for Sale
Can CH Klaar Perfect Gaelera HIC Am/Can CH Perfect of the Two CD C/O/P-BAR Belg. CH Jonathan of the Two CQN S T91
Milady of the Two CAC S C-BAR
Ombre de la Quievre C-BAR R.E. Dandy du Chemin des Dames CAC CACIB
R.e. Gitane de la Quievre
BasqueLaine-N-Maximum Tres Jolie HIC Mjr ptd

OFA hips: BT-4274G27F-PI
OFA elbows: BT-EL1612F27-PI
CERF: BT-3032/2004, CERF clear 3/2004, 11/2006 number pending
(copies of recent exam forms upon request)

CH Typical Toivo of Dark Brightness HSAs mjr ptd.  pE s.r. Fr/Neth/Lux CH Xeros van de Hoge Laer W'01 R.E. Lutin de la Clairiere aux Louves
R.e. Neth CH Belg BISS Tee van de Hoge Laer CACIB
pE Elegant Shannon of Dark Brightness CG1 VZH UV pE Neth CH Eray van de Lamar GG1 CAC CACIB
Amazing Chelsea of Dark Brightness GG2 VZH UV G'94
Mahagonny's Rites of Passage HIC R.E. s.r. Fr CH Milton de la Clairiere aux Louves BTr R.e. Femto du Bois du Tot
R.e. Eden de la Clairiere aux Louves
Jolie Poupee de Condivicnum R.E. Fr CH Emir de Condivicnum BTr
Gelinotte du Parc du Pathyvel

Country Codes
Can =Canadian
UK=United Kingdom
UKC=United Kennel Club

Misc. titles
CGC=Canine Good Citizen (American Kennel Club)
CQN=Certificate of Natural Qualities (protection - Belgium)
G'94=Gedragstest (mental/character test) 1994 (Netherlands)
HIC=Herding Instinct Test
SAR=Search & Rescue
TT=Temperament Tested (American Temperament Test Society)
UV=Endurance Test (20km - Netherlands)
BAR (C,O,P) = Breeders Achievement Award (Conformation, Obedience, Performance)

Conformation titles
BISS=Best in Specialty Show
CAC=National Champion of Beauty certificate
CACIB=International Champion of Beauty certificate (FCI)
CH=Champion of Beauty
pE=producer Elite (recommended for breeding - Holland. Awarded at the Dutch National)
R.E.=Reproducer Elite ((in French reproducteur or reprodutrice elite), category A - x number of s.r. subjects produced plus dog/bitch him/her self was an s.r.)
R.e.=Reproducer Elite, category B - x number of s.r. subjects produced (dog/bitch not an s.r. themself)
s.r.=subject recommend (in French sujet recommande), given at French National, must have HD-A rated hips, must get an excellent in the open class, committee of judges selects the s.r.'s from those that qualify.
S=Selectif (Belgium)
W'01=Winner of Holland's biggest show (2001)


Performance titles
BTr=Ring Brevet (intro level to French Ring)
GG1=First level Dutch obedience
GG2=Second level Dutch obedience
HSAs=Herding Started A course - sheep (American Kennel Club)
PT=Pre Trial Tested (herding - American Kennel Club)
TD=Tracking Dog
T91=Travail 1991 (working dog - Belgium)
UWPCH=United Kennel Club Weight Pull Champion
VZH=Verkeerszekere Hond (IPO mental test)