Marissa x Charm puppies at 7 weeks of age

White Boy and Purple Girl

It was very cold this week, so we spent most of the time in the house:

Orange and Red wrestling over the ball

Orange has the tennis ball

Green boy with his duck

Green and White tugging a toy

Now Blue has the tennis ball

Sweet Blue Boy

Devilish Purple Girl

Red has a new ball!

White Boy

Now Red has the ball

Now White has the ball


Now Purple has the ball

Now Orange has the ball

Blue is eyeing the ball

Green's turn to have the ball ;-)
(Have we mentioned these puppies like balls!?!?)

White just got another toy ;-)


Cache and Orange Girl

White Boy and Purple Girl


Pups love Auntie Cache

But they love their Momma even more!

Puppy Agility Play Time:

Red Girl and White Boy on the teeter

White boy heading in the tunnel

Purple and White in the tunnel

Green on the teeter

Green on recall

Blue with the prized leaf ;-)

Orange on the move

Purple at the teeter with her ball

Purple on alert

White on the teeter

White Boy

Red heads for the tunnel

Red Girl

White Boy on the teeter

Purple Girl preparing to launch herself

Look out, kitties, here we come!

Pups play on the porch and steps

King of the Mountain

Lovely Orange Girl on the porch

PAT (Puppy Aptitude Testing) Day:

Restraint Test
Blue doesn't mind being restrained

Retrieve Test
Blue goes after the crumpled up paper ball


Elevation Dominance Test
Blue is totally relaxed and hanging there

Retrieve Test
White goes after the crumpled up paper ball

And White brings it back to the tester!

Sight Sensitivity Test
White contemplates grabbing the towel

Restraint Test
Green puts up little struggle

Sight Sensitivity Test
Green goes after the towel with enthusiasm

Green spots mom (me) and heads
to greet me

Social Attraction Test
Red coming when called

Retrieve Test
Red goes after the crumpled paper ball with gusto!

Persistence Test
Red trying to get a treat from under the bowl

Retrieve Test
Orange going after the crumpled up paper ball

Sight Sensitivity Test
Orange contemplating ;-)

Orange would prefer to stand there and look
pretty than participate in this nonsense ;-)

Social Attraction Test
Purple coming when called

Retrieve Test
Purple going after the crumpled up paper ball

Sight Sensitivity test
Purple biting at the towel

Sound Sensitivity Test
Purple checking out the sound

Stability Test
Purple checking out the umbrella that was just opened

Purple biting the umbrella!

Kelley with Blue Boy

Rick with Orange Girl

Photos from our daily hikes with the puppies:

Marissa, Cache, and puppies

L-R: Purple, Blue, Orange

Green Boy

Orange Girl

Green Boy

Purple Girl

Pups following Mom

Purple and Red Girls

Marissa and pup

Pups following mom and big sis Jo

Red Girl balancing on a railroad tie.

White and Red climbing over a tree limb

Orange tracking

Green Boy

Purple Girl

Red Girl climbing

White Boy

Orange Girl

Blue Boy on the move

White boy on the railroad ties

Blue Boy and Red Girl

Pups exploring and climbing

Red Girl

Orange Girl

Purple chasing White

Purple chasing Orange

Here pup, pup, pup

Green Boy

Purple prepares for her launch off the deck

And there she goes!

Up Close and Personal at 7 weeks of age:

Green Boy

White Boy

Blue Boy

Red Girl

Purple Girl

Orange Girl

Green Boy

White Boy

Blue Boy

Red Girl

Purple Girl

Orange Girl

Green Boy

White Boy

Blue Boy Red Girl
Purple Girl Orange Girl

Puppy photos will be updated periodically until 7-8 weeks of age. Watch this space.

Day of Birth Photos

7-10 Day Photos

2 Week Photos

3 Week Photos

4 Week Photos

5 Week Photos

6 Week Photos. 6 Week Wagon
Slide Show
7 Week Photos

Click here to learn more about the parents of this litter.

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Copyright ©2003 BasqueLaine Belgians, All Rights Reserved. Photos copyright their respective photographers as noted